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Cancellation/No Show Policy


Dr. Dunkelman, and the staff at Botoxit, do our best to see our clients and new consults in a timely matter. We ask that our clients and new consultations to make every effort to arrive on time and if there is a reason to cancel or move an appointment, that it is done with at least 48 hours notice. If the client arrives more than 10 minutes late, it is possible that we ask the appointment to be rescheduled.

If cancellations are not done with more than 24 hour notice or the client doesn’t show at all, Dr. Dunkelman reserves the right to either: charge $150 for your missed consultation or dismiss the client from our office. No shows without cancellations for Groupons will not be rescheduled and will be redeemed for the full amount. 

The No Show process is designed to minimize disruptions in the scheduling process and disruptions in delivery of service. This policy is to inform patients of the importance of keeping appointments and the expectation that they will call to cancel as soon as they know they will be unable to keep the appointment. If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment, we require that you call or text 48 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will give another person the possibility to have access to a timely service.
Under certain conditions, the patient may be prevented from scheduling future services. 

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